Tagged: Tino Martinez


Well I decided to take a break writing a blog on here because honestly who reads it anyway. I pretty much went on strike. But I decided to check in and realized some of my blogs, ok maybe 1 or 2, are kind of a strike. translation… THEY STINK. The one about the dollhouse which I will delete right after this blog so you don’t feel the need to look and say “yeah that one was kinda lame”. I was having bloggers block and could not come up with anything good to write so I had to write something stupid instead of not showing up. Maybe it was just a reason to say Tino Martinez was my favorite player but I could of just said that but being the low key person that I am I had to resort to being really lame. I have been gone so long now I forgot how to use some of these links here. Has Spring Training started yet?


I do have to admit some of my other posts are not so bad. At least I think.  




JK about ST. I still know what is going on in the world. geese! LOL


As you all know Alex Rodriguez aka A-Rod aka Sterod has confessed to using well known performing enhancing drugs. Do they not know what happens to people who use these types of drugs? The next thing he knows he’s in jail for committing a henious crime because he could not control his anger. These guys do not live in the “real world” where ordinary people like myself could care less about impressing our bosses to the point of taking drugs. Let me tell you the last boss I had needed some drugs herself. But that is besides the point.

Once a cheater always a cheater as I always say. Certain members of his team even defended him like Tino. Tino’s answer to that issue awhile back was that his body never changed and I thought ok that is true, but guess that answer did not matter. I for one think he needs to take a hike somewhere. Him and his ego both can go date madonna.







Sam Militello. He had pitched for the Yankees in the early 90s. One of my favorites but that did not last long and neither did he because moving across the country did not keep me in touch with the “Yankee” in me and I had stopped watching baseball for a bit. Now being in my 30s, honestly, I do not know what I was thinking. He’s been coaching in Tampa.


Baseball: Sam Militello


      Tino Martinez (I have to give a shout out to this favorite of mine) He’s been modeling at least I think was a few years ago. I probably should not even have him in this list cause there is a link on my blog to get the current news on this guy but I have wanted to put him on this blog since I started. You ladies can understand this.lol. A flawless first baseman and guy.

Pic from Jhanes website 6

But I’m throwing in a extra pic!!!!

Im not done here. 🙂


Well playing “senior citizen” softball lasted about a week until I was brought aside one day at a game by the coach who was also my boss at work and told me I was throwing a little to hard to the other teammates. I thought to myself what is he talking about I’m just playing the game and he told me that I needed to be a little more gentle. I felt like I was being reprimanded. Now being who I am I took it hard and pulled a “Paul O’neill” slamming my cap down on the ground and stormed off. At the end he was right and I did not figure that out until it was too late and I got fired. Lmao. I’m the nicest person in the world but when I “get into something” I really “get into something”. Kinda like O’neill who is one of my favorite players of all time. My boss told me before I was scooted out of the building ” I wish you had been into your work as much as you are into the game”. So much for being like their granddaughter. I was really enjoying the perks. They sure liked to feed me and tell me their tales.  And certainly that was not the place for me as far as playing the game went. I liked my job. I thought that I was doing a good job. Oh well. lol.

2ND BLOG (2)

My father sure put a stop to me throwing rocks. Eventually as I got older the throwing rocks thing got old as he and I started throwing baseballs or should I say softballs back and forth to keep me out of trouble. With his other arm of course. Now normally this is usually done with a father and son but in this case he had a daughter and he had to make due. My father didn’t care. He saw my potential even though he was still bitter about his lost opportunity years ago and eventually I started really enjoying the game so I joined my high school softball team playing first base and managed to get myself on any other team besides my school team that I could join including a league that had been started by a few fellow employees at my first job which includes my favorite people… senior citizens. I worked at a assisted living home and they had organized a league for fun for their residents. I’ve always had a way with the older generation and my sparkly girl next door and “you remind me of my granddaughter” personality won them over and they insisted I join the games. So I did.